Eligibility Questionnaire
Instructions: Thank you for your interest in this study. One youth and parent per family can participate in the study. To determine if you and your teen are eligible to participate in this study, please complete the brief survey below. All of your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used as part of this study.
2. Does your teen have 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome?
Please answer question 2.
2a. Please list the diagnostic method used to diagnose your child.
3. Does your teen have an IQ of 55 or higher?
Please answer question 3.
4. Do you and your teen speak English?
Please answer question 4.
5. Does your family have access to a desktop or laptop computer with Internet access?
Please answer question 5.
6. How does your teen identify their gender?
Please answer question 6.
7. Is your teen of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Please answer question 7.
8. What race is your teen? (check boxes)
Please select your race.
9. How do you identify your gender?
Please answer question 9.
10. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Please answer question 10.
11. What is your race? (check boxes)
Please select your race.
Click "Submit" to determine your family’s eligibility to participate in the study.